Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wedding planning

You might have noticed that I've been a little absent from blogging lately. Well, lucky for you (and me, too), I've got two good reasons for being busy.

The first is that Yang and I are getting married on December 7 (fairly soon, huh?) and have been planning and coordinating things like crazy. Fortunately, we've have had a ton of help from my mom, who called around to various places to set up the essentials. Last Saturday, we went cake tasting, courtesy of Jacqui's Cakes. If you live in King County or Pierce County, I suggest Jacqui; her knowledge of cake styles and taste combinations really helped Yang and I, who are novice cake eaters. For more details, visit her Web site: www.jacquiscakes.com.

The second is, if you haven't noticed, the new Web site. Yup. After three redesigns that will never have the light of day because they're lost forever in PC Recycle Bin land, I've created a design and structure that I really like. It's simple, and I can make updates to it fairly easily. And, I've come to terms with not having to do so much when I know only a handful of people visit this Web site daily.

That's all for now. Yang and I still have quite a bit to do until we can call it good on getting prepared for our wedding day.

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posted by ジョシュ @ 12:34 AM   0 Comments


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