Monday, February 2, 2009

We've got other issues to tackle, isn't that right, Ashton Kutcher?

Seems as though Ashton Kutcher agrees with others and is sticking up for Michael Phelps's extracurricular activities.

Seriously, though, I think we have other things to worry about than an Olympic gold medalist who set world records last summer doing what approximately 33 percent (or more) of Americans do in their own time.

I am in no way condoning drug use, but c'mon, kids should be looking up to their parents, and not setting their goals so high, only to be "let down" when things like this happen to their "role models."

Note: In case you were wondering, I have never partaken in any illegal drug use. I'm just a supporter of doing whatever you want in your own free time, whether that involves recreational marijuana use or watching FOX News. Just don't get me involved.


posted by ジョシュ @ 9:25 PM   0 Comments


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