Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Zune HD and brief thoughts on the software and hardware

Ok, this is going to be really brief, but here are two things that I think the Zune should have: Bluetooth for stereo headsets and speakers and support for Asian languages.zune-hd

It’s a bit of a long shot, but I would like to see the next-generation of Zunes with Bluetooth. It would definitely give it more firepower against the iPod, but because of the demand on battery power that Bluetooth uses when it’s on, I know that might not be feasible or practical to keep the battery life at such exceptionally high levels. Coincidentally, though, Bluetooth 3.0 will be rolled out to manufacturers soon, and one of the improvements in the technology is lower drain on battery power. If the rumored Zune HD had Bluetooth 3.0, it would probably make it the first device to hit the market with that mobile technology. This sounds completely possible to me with the Zune HD rumored to be released in fall 2009. Having the newest technology in a refreshed device would totally gain followers for Microsoft. The only obstacles for implementing Bluetooth 3.0 into the next-generation Zune are price and battery demand, two of which I have no insight into.

The second should-have (will-have?) for the Zune is the long-awaited support for Asian languages. If the Zune is indeed going international, the Zune must have support for Asian languages for it to succeed overseas.

*The image of the rumored Zune HD above is from Engadget. (

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