Saturday, September 27, 2008

Shame on you, incomplete packages

Important tip for those who ship products: Open up the product to make sure that all contents are present.

Sending a sealed, brand new game over to Japan only to find out that the game disk is missing sure is a downer and a waste of international shipping costs.

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 2:33 AM   0 Comments

Friday, September 26, 2008

Editors will never go out of style

A college distributed school handbooks, marking February 19, 2009, as "Black History Linch and Learn" instead of "Black History Month Lunch and Learn." What an embarrassing typo.

My favorite images of typos can be found at

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posted by ジョシュ @ 6:05 PM   0 Comments

Thursday, September 25, 2008

JPMorgan: "Guess what?" WaMu: "What?" JPMorgan: "I pwn you."

Oh WaMu, it seemed not so long ago that you were flying high among large banking institutions. But, with all these banks that provided loans to people who couldn't afford them and grossly overcompensated underachieving executives, you've fallen victim to... well, your own actions. Hate it to break it to you, but you've been seized by the government and auctioned off to JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Don't worry, though. Just because you're currently stamped with "largest bank failure in U.S. history" doesn't mean it will remain that way; I'm sure there will be more after you...

.. But, for the record, you are the first.

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posted by ジョシュ @ 11:06 PM   0 Comments

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Those cursed Nalgene bottles and Ziplock food containers...

Hey all, just a friendly reminder to avoid drinking or eating out of plastic containers, especially those that are labeled with recycling number "7."


posted by ジョシュ @ 6:08 PM   0 Comments

Friday, September 19, 2008

Green commuters of another kind

I know for most people, getting on the bus means getting on the bus; who cares where you sit, right? But, what I can't stand is people who fail to notice—or just flat out don't care—that a line has formed near the bus sign. It's pretty annoying when a group of people walk straight up to the bus doors when they should be at the back of the line.

I guess that's the price us green commuters have to pay.

posted by ジョシュ @ 5:10 PM   0 Comments

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A.M. firmware means I'm late for the bus

The new Zune update for the device and PC software came out early this morning, so naturally, I updated.

I just got to work, only to find that I'm the only one here. Guess I should've stayed home for a little while longer to play with the updated software...

What's this feeling? I feel like such a... fanboy.

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 8:26 AM   0 Comments

11 hours left!...

Until the Zune 3.0 update comes out.

Oh, happy updates!

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 12:48 AM   0 Comments

Monday, September 15, 2008

Cell phone doubles as a handwarmer

The other day, I was calling a friend through Skype on my HTC Touch Dual phone. After we talked, my phone was about as hot as the bottom of a laptop. Our chat through Skype (on my end only) also did a number on my battery—about 20 percent in 20 minutes.

In general, cell phone overheating is common when you use device intensive applications, such as playing music or watching videos, and talk extensively. Be careful of the heat that a cell phone can generate.

But, also keep it in mind during the coming winter months.

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 12:49 AM   0 Comments

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Robust functionality or "Aaawww, cute laptop"

About a year ago, I was really interested in getting an ultra-mobile computer (UMPC) since I was heading off to Japan for a couple weeks and wanted to check e-mail and update my Web site. I played around with them at electronics stores, but soon realized that, as conveniently portable as they are, the small screen really wouldn't work for me. Also, the price just doesn't justify the weak specifications that these units offer.

Now, the excitement is around these mini-laptops, such as the MSI Wind, Asus Eee PC, and Dell Inspiron Mini 9. I'm not so sure these should be considered the "new" thing because they are just smaller laptops with weaker specs. The price isn't even that attractive, compared to traditional laptops that you can buy nowadays.

C'mon, people... an 8.9-inch screen? Reading anything that you would normally read on a 14-inch or larger computer screen would be so tedious. You shouldn't have to make your icons and text "Large" size just to read them. It's ridiculous. I can't imagine someone who wants to remain productive while on the go wanting one of these mini-laptops.

Having a traditional laptop that is more powerful, has a bigger screen, and is reasonably priced should be much more important for consumers than a mini-laptop that seems to follow today's "cute" trend that appeals to many novice PC users.

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posted by ジョシュ @ 8:32 PM   0 Comments

Monday, September 1, 2008

Windows Live Writer test...

If using Windows Live Writer actually works, it would sure be a swell way to post entries, rather than logging in to Blogger. Then, I could write blog entries while I'm not connected to the Internet.



posted by ジョシュ @ 12:15 AM   0 Comments
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