Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sometimes, being late is OK

Yang and I were having dinner in downtown Seattle on Saturday, using one of our Entertainment book coupons of course. I wanted to catch the next bus and go home, but she wanted to hang out (shop?) at Pacific Place until the next bus came. We ended up missing it by maybe two minutes, so we headed over to Starbucks and shared a pomegranate ice tea.

We hoped on the next bus about 30 minutes later, and were on our way to the Bellevue Transit Center. When we got there, there were police cars, fire trucks, and medical units clogging one end of the transit center. Hearing from other people's conversations, someone had been stabbed.

When we got home, I browsed the Internet and channel surfer for details on what had happened. To my dismay, just about every local newspaper and news broadcasting company focused on the Southcenter Mall, maybe 15 miles away. There was nothing immediately available to tarnish the perceived pristine image of Bellevue.

Last night, something finally showed up on the King 5 News Web site. Someone was selling stolen electronics, and then they pulled out a knife.

If someone can leave a comment and let me know where it's safe to be this holiday season, that'd be great.

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 5:35 PM   0 Comments


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