Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sometimes, being late is OK

Yang and I were having dinner in downtown Seattle on Saturday, using one of our Entertainment book coupons of course. I wanted to catch the next bus and go home, but she wanted to hang out (shop?) at Pacific Place until the next bus came. We ended up missing it by maybe two minutes, so we headed over to Starbucks and shared a pomegranate ice tea.

We hoped on the next bus about 30 minutes later, and were on our way to the Bellevue Transit Center. When we got there, there were police cars, fire trucks, and medical units clogging one end of the transit center. Hearing from other people's conversations, someone had been stabbed.

When we got home, I browsed the Internet and channel surfer for details on what had happened. To my dismay, just about every local newspaper and news broadcasting company focused on the Southcenter Mall, maybe 15 miles away. There was nothing immediately available to tarnish the perceived pristine image of Bellevue.

Last night, something finally showed up on the King 5 News Web site. Someone was selling stolen electronics, and then they pulled out a knife.

If someone can leave a comment and let me know where it's safe to be this holiday season, that'd be great.

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 5:35 PM   0 Comments

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Tectonic happenings in Southeast Asia

What's up with all these significant earthquakes in the Southeast Asia region? The region has been hit by 6+ magnitude earthquakes twice in the past week in addition to many smaller quakes.

I haven't found much information that backs up the polar shift theory that many believe is occurring right now, but it seems like the most plausible reason.

Any thoughts on why this and so many other recent global natural disasters are happening lately?

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posted by ジョシュ @ 11:05 AM   0 Comments

Friday, November 14, 2008

My first mobile app... with touchscreen!

I completed my first mobile application for Windows Mobile devices last night. It might work on other mobile devices that have Flash Lite installed on them or can have it installed, too. It's even got touchscreen capabilities, which is pretty sweet.

The next mobile application that I make will go into my portfolio, along with the other projects that I've worked on over the last year or so.

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 7:12 PM   0 Comments

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Creating mobile apps sans experience

I've started to meddle around in Flash Lite, which is a mobile platform for creating applications.

I'll let you know if I come up with something interesting or totally sweet. I may have just put all of my Silverlight development on hold. :P

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 9:21 AM   0 Comments

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Wedding planning

You might have noticed that I've been a little absent from blogging lately. Well, lucky for you (and me, too), I've got two good reasons for being busy.

The first is that Yang and I are getting married on December 7 (fairly soon, huh?) and have been planning and coordinating things like crazy. Fortunately, we've have had a ton of help from my mom, who called around to various places to set up the essentials. Last Saturday, we went cake tasting, courtesy of Jacqui's Cakes. If you live in King County or Pierce County, I suggest Jacqui; her knowledge of cake styles and taste combinations really helped Yang and I, who are novice cake eaters. For more details, visit her Web site: www.jacquiscakes.com.

The second is, if you haven't noticed, the new Web site. Yup. After three redesigns that will never have the light of day because they're lost forever in PC Recycle Bin land, I've created a design and structure that I really like. It's simple, and I can make updates to it fairly easily. And, I've come to terms with not having to do so much when I know only a handful of people visit this Web site daily.

That's all for now. Yang and I still have quite a bit to do until we can call it good on getting prepared for our wedding day.

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posted by ジョシュ @ 12:34 AM   0 Comments

Friday, November 7, 2008

A couple of setbacks won't set me back from this Saturday

In less than 48 hours, I'll be revealing the new ColumnBreak Web site. Not only will it be nicer for my audience in terms on visuals and content, but it'll also be much more convenient for me to make updates. I won't have to be near my computer to make HTML changes; instead, sometimes I'll be able to make changes directly from my phone or from an application on my computer.

More details to come on Saturday when I've posted it.

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posted by ジョシュ @ 1:55 AM   0 Comments

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Letter from the editor

Dear readers,

Get out and vote.


*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 9:00 AM   0 Comments
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