Monday, December 22, 2008

Limited consumer relief for the holidays

I went in to Macy's to buy a particular item for a particular someone, only to find out that it wasn't on sale. Ok, ok, whatever, I guess it doesn't HAVE to be on sale for me to buy it, I thought. But then, I thought, what other stores might have it? I checked online, using Google's Product Search Mobile, and found out that online retailers price the item anywhere from 5 percent to 50 percent off--and yes, for the exact style and gender. What makes it even more disappointing is that, after looking on the Product Search Mobilee site, I found out that the item is roughly nine months old.

How can Macy's charge full price for an item that's almost a year old? It makes me wonder if they even care about the economy's current state and its affect on consumers--y'know, the people that buy Macy's MSRP-priced goods. I guess all those Macy's Day Parades during this holiday season really tapped them dry. My only hope is that the company lives up to its promise to the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

As for me, this, along with the crowded malls, has reaffirmed my intentions to shop online rather than in stores. I'll continue to shop at the Rosses, Marshall'ses, and Targets out there, but, I'm telling you, the Internet is where it's at for the best deals. Who knows... you might be able to find something for 95 percent to 50 percent of the price compared to what's at the mall... or at Macy's.

*This entry was posted from my Windows Mobile device.

posted by ジョシュ @ 4:55 PM   0 Comments


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