Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sad story from a great sport and dedicated player

This is by far the worst story I’ve read so far this year. Trading a person for inanimate objects is an insult.

This is something like from when I was in my freshmen and sophomore years of high school. I was so bad at sports that I’d joke with my teammates to trade me to the other team for a bag of Doritos and a basketball. Except in this case, it really happened in minor-league baseball.

Never would I have thought that in a real-life situation that something even remotely similar would be reality. I mean, sure, in professional sports, players get traded for cash and the ever-so-vague “other considerations,” but to be included in part of a trade for team equipment is a smack in the face. Who cares if John Odom, the player who was traded, went along and joked with the situation. I’d bet that a good percentage of people make a joke out of unfortunate situations when they’re uncomfortable or suffering from low self-esteem.

Odom should not be dead; he should be preparing for his next game or his next conversation with his agent.

Whoever thought it was a good idea to trade a human being for manufactured pieces of wood is a complete buffoon. I hope those who were involved with orchestrating the trade feel a deep sense of guilt. And if the law plays anything into this, I hope they have thousands of hours of community service to perform.

I just hope it doesn’t have to do with teaching little-league baseball.

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posted by ジョシュ @ 12:33 AM   0 Comments


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